Deanship of Development and Quality Assurance Holds Lecture on quality and Change Managemen

  • Sunday, 12 November, 2023

    University Media
    Sunday, November 12, 2023

    Within the activities of World Quality Week, the Deanship of Development and Quality Assurance organized an informative lecture for a group of academic and administrative staff at the University, under the auspices of the University President, Dr. Mohyeddine Al-Qubati.

    Dr. Sameer Al-Asbahi, the Dean of the Center, delivered a lecture titled "Our Iceberg is Melting" referring to change management and its relationship to quality, which is the title of a book by John Kotter, discussing change and success under any circumstances.

    The lecture included an introduction to quality and change, touching upon management concepts. Dr. Al-Asbahi emphasized the importance of change, its motives, areas, and impact on work, as well as highlighting successful international management models to benefit from previous experiences.

    Through these activities, the Deanship of Development and Quality Assurance aims to enhance the culture of quality at the University, under the slogan 'Quality is a Culture and Creativity.'

    The events of the World Quality Week include scientific and informative lectures, as well as an awareness and media campaign about quality. November is globally recognized by the United Nations as the month of quality, with the second Thursday designated as World Quality Day, celebrated by institutions and establishments worldwide.

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