University Promotes Quality Culture through Informative Lecture on Six Sigma Methodology

  • Wednesday, 15 November, 2023

    As the World Quality Week continued, Deanship of Development and Quality Assurance held informative lecture for a group of academic and administrative staff at the university. The lecture, titled "Six Sigma Methodology in Performance Quality Measurement," was conducted under the auspices of the University Rector, Dr. Mohyeddine Al-Qubati and delivered by Dr. Abdulraqeeb Ghalib, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

    Dr. Abdulraqeeb Ghalib began his lecture with a brief overview of the concepts related to the topic and discussed the origins of the methodology and its evolution through applications and practices in various fields and institutions. He highlighted the advantages of the methodology in measuring performance quality and the challenges faced by organizations in the public and private sectors when implementing the methodology.

    It is worth mentioning that this program aims to promote a culture of quality among the university academic, administrative staff, and students. It includes include informative lectures, as well as an awareness and media campaign about quality under the slogan “Quality is a Culture and Creativity”

    The United Nations designates the second of November each year as World Quality Day, and institutions strive to utilize the month of November as a global occasion to raise awareness about quality as a fundamental path to sustainable development in organizations and nations as a whole.
