University Organizes Training Program in English Translation Skills

  • Wednesday, 18 September, 2024

    University Media

    Aljanad University of Science and Technology inaugurated its first training program in English language skills and translation basics today. The event, organized by the Department of English Language and Translation, was attended by the university's Secretary-General and the Dean of the College of Administrative and Human Sciences.

    The program, sponsored by the College of Administrative Sciences and Humanities, aims to enhance the English language skills of participating students as part of the university's contribution to pre-university education preparation.

    During the inauguration, Dr. Ameen Al-Haidari, the Secretary-General, welcomed the high school graduates in attendance. He emphasized that this initiative is part of the university's commitment to community service and supporting high school graduates academically before pursuing their higher education. The university has organized numerous events and activities to support the educational process, benefiting hundreds of participants.

    Dr. Gamil Zaid, Dean of the College of Administrative Sciences and Humanities, highlighted that the university's mission to excel in higher education, research, and community service has developed and updated many programs, including the English and Translation program. Through these initiatives, the university aims to improve students' skills and capabilities, thereby enhancing the quality of higher education inputs.

    Dr. Abdalwahid Noman, Head of the English Language and Translation Department, outlined the objectives and requirements of the training program. The course began with a session on the basics of translation, conducted by the expert trainer in English language and translation, Mr. Najib Al-Mawadim.

    It is worth noting that the training program will continue for a week and includes more than 100 participants, comprising high school graduates and first-year students from various universities and institutes in Taiz.